
He Found Out That His Pregnant Fiancée Had “Weighed Him” Against Different Backup Options Before They Got Serious, So He Walked Out On Her

ANR Production - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 39-year-old guy first met his fiancée about six years ago, after they became colleagues. But, at the time, he was already in a relationship.

So, it was not until he broke up with his ex about four years ago that he started seeing his fiancée casually. And one year later, his fiancée asked if they could try out a serious relationship.

Since then, a lot has happened to them– both personally and as a couple. His fiancée underwent a preventative double mastectomy, and they both sold their respective houses.

Then, they moved in together, got pregnant, and he finally proposed six months ago.

“She has been telling me over the past few months that she’s so in love with me, can’t wait to start our family, and even wants more kids with me,” he explained.

“We only planned to have the one, but because she’s so happy, we were even thinking about having another kid straight after our first is born so we could start our family.”

Anyway, his fiancée started her maternity leave just last week. And they only have two more weeks until their baby is supposed to be born.

But, just a few days ago, his phone died. So, he was forced to ask his fiancée if he could borrow one of her old phones until he got a new device.

His fiancée was fine with that, too, and claimed it should be mostly empty.

ANR Production – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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