
He Flipped Out On His Son’s Teacher And Made Her Cry Because She Wouldn’t Allow His Son To Go To The Nurse, So His Son Fainted In Class And Got Hurt

Iliya Mitskavets - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Iliya Mitskavets - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Growing up, did you ever see a kid pass out in school?

Some people have crazy stories about themselves or other kids fainting in school during certain events. 

One dad recently flipped out at his teenage son’s teacher, who refused to listen to him and yelled at him when he told her he felt faint right before falling to the ground.

He’s 36 and has a 13-year-old son who has had issues with fainting in the past. He’s currently being seen by doctors trying to diagnose him, and some of them believe he has postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS), which causes fainting. 

Over the years, he and his wife have taught his son that if he ever feels like he’s going to pass out, he should do whatever he can to keep himself safe and avoid getting injured, like getting down on the ground. 

Last week, he got a call from his son’s school saying he needed to pick him up because he had fainted in class. 

“When I arrived at the school, my son was holding an ice pack to his head,” he said.

“When I asked about it, the nurse told me he had hit his head when he fell. I wondered why he hadn’t [laid] down like we taught him to do. I brushed it off and decided to ask him about it later as he was still kind of out of it.”

The following day when he asked his son to explain what happened before he fainted, the story shocked and angered him.

Iliya Mitskavets – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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