
A Woman Has Been Stalking Her For The Last Decade, And She Recently Pulled A Prank On Her That Ended Up Proving Her Creepiness

But sadly, she lost the baby and took the announcement post off social media a week later. 

Then, last September, her stalker announced that she was pregnant. What did she use to announce her pregnancy?

The same exact announcement post she designed. Her stalker changed the names on the design to make it look like she made it herself.

Her friends were shocked by how this woman held onto that announcement for three years, waiting until she was pregnant. 

“It was then I decided to play a little game,” she said.

“She knew I was very close to my grandfather, who passed away. If we had had our baby and it was a boy, I had intended to name him after my grandfather. I never stated the name publicly but saw this as an opportunity to mess with her.”

She made a social media post and wrote about how she wished she had a baby boy she could name Jack, after her grandfather. However, her grandfather’s name is not Jack.

Not long after the post was made, her stalker revealed the name of her new baby boy. You guessed it. She named him Jack.

“She is so far unaware that Jack was a completely random name and not even close to my grandfather’s name,” she added.

“I plan on dropping the ball that it’s the wrong name in a few years when It’ll be impossible for her to change it.”

Who knows if she’ll ever be able to properly get this woman to leave her alone, but for the time being, she got a good laugh out of this baby name prank.

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