
Women Who Consider Themselves “Average-Looking” Discuss Their Dating Lives And Strategies For Success

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This single woman doesn’t think that she is particularly attractive. Instead, she genuinely thinks that she is just an average-looking girl.

“Even considered ugly to some,” she added.

That’s why her experience in the dating pool has been pretty terrible. So, she recently asked other “average-looking” women how they are faring as they search for romantic partners.

“Am I alone in this struggle? How are you going about things?” she asked.

She Feels Like She Might Have To Just Settle

“I’d consider myself average. I don’t like online dating, so I stay away from it. It feels too forced to me.”

“And I’m pretty shy in real life, so my dating life is nonexistent. I could probably find a guy or two willing to hook up, but I’m not exactly impressed with my likely options on that route.”

“My loneliness is starting to get the best of me, though, so I might give one of those guys a shot. I’ll likely kick myself for it, but I’m not getting any younger. And I’ve been in long-term relationships before, but I never really found anyone who gets me.”


Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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