
While She Was Staying At A Luxury Campsite In The Sahara Desert, A Guy Who Worked At The Campsite Peeked In Her Tent One Night Before Walking Around The Outside Of It, Calling Her Name

the_lightwriter - - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever gone on vacation and stayed at a hotel or resort where another guest wouldn’t leave you alone?

One woman is still thinking about a recent creepy experience she had with a campsite employee while camping out in the Sahara desert.

She’s 23 years old and recently traveled to Africa with her family. They stayed at a luxury campsite in the Sahara Desert and slept in furnished tents with bathrooms and door locks. She and her sister shared a tent for the two nights they were there, while her parents shared one across a walkway.

During their first night at the campsite, she and her sister started getting to know some of the young men that worked there. They were all in their 20s and 30s and seemed friendly and harmless.

While hanging around the campfire, she noticed that one of the men paid a lot of attention to her, and although she was a little uncomfortable, she brushed it off. 

“Out in the desert, you can see the stars really well and even the Milky Way on clear nights,” she explained.

“But, you have to wait for the moon to go down, which is around 2:00 AM. I guess it’s a normal thing for the guys to come around to the tents and knock on the door to see if you’re awake and want to come out to look at the stars.”

That same night, her sister decided to go out and look at the stars while she stayed in the tent to sleep. She left the tent door unlocked so her sister wouldn’t get locked out. However, that decision quickly turned into a mistake.

About an hour later, she was sleeping on her side and suddenly woke up to the sight of one of the male campsite employees peeking his head into her tent. After staring at him in shock, she realized it was the same one who had been staring at her during the campfire. He wanted her to join him to look at the stars.

the_lightwriter – – illustrative purposes only

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