
We’re Always Sold The Idea That Love Should Be Easy, But It Takes Work, And These 5 Truths Can Be Pretty Difficult To Come To Terms With In Your Relationship

Kay Abrahams/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer.

From the classic Disney movies to the mountain of Rom-Coms, you are sold this idea of true love. You are sold the idea that a romance will come along, making the stress of life melt away. Some magic man/woman will march into your life, sweep you off your feet, and true love will conquer all – it will be effortless and freeing.

Don’t get me wrong, finding true, committed love can be done. A loving relationship is a beautiful thing. However, there is a saying, “Nothing good in life comes easy.” Relationships are just like that. Relationships take work. Relationships come with challenges and have highs and lows.

I’m giving you five hard truths I have learned from my relationship.

1. Healthy Relationships Are Boring

I do not mean this in the literal sense. I mean this in the sense of order vs. chaos. Let me explain. In much of pop culture, we get this notion that love and relationships are this crazy rollercoaster of highs and lows full of passion and conflict and making up…this is not healthy for a long-term relationship.

Healthy relationships and healthy love are more orderly and consistent. There is some wildness and chaos at the beginning for many (the honeymoon phase), but eventually, that dies down.

Don’t get me wrong, it will still have its moments of chaos, but mostly it should be calm and consistent.

You know they love you. You know what to expect from one another. You know how to deal with conflict in a healthy way when it arises.

Kay Abrahams/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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