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She’s Sharing How Her Pediatrician In Manhattan Is Now Charging An Annual Fee Of $350 Per Child, Which Means She’s Going To Have To Pay $1,000 Every Time She Wants To Take Her Kids To The Doctor

Emily Chan

Healthcare is extremely expensive in the United States. Nearly half of all Americans struggle to afford it. And it doesn’t look like the costs are going down anytime soon.

TikToker Chelsea (@cityloveletter) is a mom of three living in Manhattan, and she’s sharing how her children’s pediatrician is charging an annual fee of $350 per patient.

Since Chelsea has three kids, it would require her to pay over $1000 just to be able to visit the doctor.

And that doesn’t include the cost of insurance, copays, or any other fees. Not to mention that simply living in New York is a strain on one’s finances.

Chelsea compared the charge to a “broker’s fee” for pediatricians and asked TikTok users if this type of practice would be acceptable anywhere else.

Many TikTok users described similar experiences they had, and some explained why an increasing number of doctors are implementing this system.

“Our pediatrician in Los Angeles is doing the same. $150 per child. Talk about de-incentivizing the lower class from taking their kids to the doctor,” commented one user.

“That’s because it’s being used to cover overhead costs, which have become astronomical as insurance companies cut reimbursements even more,” wrote another.

“My previous pediatrician charged $10 per form that they filled out. So every school form, camp form, etc, cost $10,” stated a third.

rogerphoto – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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Emily Chan

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