
She Went To See A Movie With A Guy Who Asked Her To Be His Girlfriend Before The Movie Even Started

nyul - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
nyul - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

What is the appropriate amount of time you should wait before asking a person to be your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Usually, the general consensus is that it’s best to get to know someone a little more first before starting a relationship if both parties agree.

TikToker Avery (@averypaper) is spilling the details about a first date she went on with a guy who seemed a little too eager to move forward with her and take things to the next level.

“This was one of the worst dates I’ve ever been on and also one of the first dates I’ve ever had,” Avery started the video.

They had gone to see Jurassic World, and the film had just been released, so the movie theater was packed.

To this day, she still has a tough time watching this particular film. As they settled down into their seats at the theater, Avery was faced with an unexpected proposition.

“Before the movie even starts, before the trailers even begin, okay, this guy asked me to be his girlfriend, which for somebody who has some commitment issues, way too fast for me,” she said.

The older ladies sitting next to them expressed their excitement over the situation. However, Avery turned him down because she barely knew anything about him yet, aside from his name.

So now, she was stuck in a movie theater with him for two and a half hours.

nyul – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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