
She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Instantly Tried To Get Her To Come Back To His Place Before Saying He Wasn’t Looking For Anything Serious, Even Though That’s Not What He Said On His Dating Profile

gstockstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever had a first date go so badly that it ended before it ever really began?

TikTok creator Alex (@alexweitzman) shares how quickly one of her first dates ended.

Alex matched with a guy on a dating app. One night after having out with her friend, she asked this guy if he wanted to meet up with her someplace that night. He replied to her, telling her that he was at his apartment, and asked if she would like to come over instead.

Alex declined, explaining to him that she felt more comfortable meeting up with a stranger in a public place rather than where he lived. He responds, saying that he is feeling too tired to go out, so they agree to meet each other in a few days instead.

On the night that they planned to meet up, the guy picked Alex up from her friend’s comedy show. At his car, Alex suggests that they should go to a bar together to hang out. He said no to that idea. So she then asked if he wanted to go somewhere to get food instead.

He questioned her, asking her if she really wanted to go get food, and suggested that they go back to his place instead and have a glass of wine.

Alex had to reiterate what she had already told him the first time they tried to meet up. “I already told you,” she said, “I don’t know you. I’m not going to come over.”

He then proceeds to tell her that he is not looking for anything serious. She was pretty confused by this since his dating profile indicated that he was looking for a relationship.

Alex tells her date (if you can even call him that) that he should really consider changing what’s on his profile if he’s not actually looking for anything serious.

gstockstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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