
She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Had An Allergic Reaction To A Cocktail, And Then In The Middle Of Choking, He Asked Her To Split The Bill With Him

Bruno Postigo - - illustrative purposes only
Bruno Postigo - - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever had a slight medical emergency happen in the middle of a date?

TikTok creator Poppy Bayliss (@poppannbayliss) shares a dating story where by the end of the night, she had to make sure that her date was safe.

One of Poppy’s friends decides to set her up on a date and shows her a guy’s profile. Poppy gets excited because she finds this guy attractive, and she trusts her friend, so she exchanges Instagram with him. They begin talking and getting to know each other a little bit, talking about work and their lifestyles.

“His Instagram portrayed this like quite flashy, lifestyle, big cars, designer clothes, watches,” Poppy describes, “which is fine, like do you.”

After a few weeks of messaging and talking on the phone, they planned to meet each other out at a restaurant. She was hoping that the two of them would hit it off and have a fun night together, but unfortunately, that was not really how things turned out.

“I’m massive on vibes like I know as soon as I meet someone if we’re going to get along if we’re not. The vibes straight away, it just wasn’t giving,” Poppy said about her first impression of her date.

The conversations continued, but Poppy caught him fibbing a couple of times about his work and his car. Poppy felt a bit thrown off, and the way he was acting did not match how she thought he was going to be based on his Instagram.

“Basically, it was a bit of a facade. Which is fine, but just like be your true authentic self,” Poppy says.

The pair then decides to order some fruity cocktails to the table. As Poppy is enjoying her drink, all of a sudden, she notices that her date looks like he is starting to choke. She asks him what is going on, and he asks her frantically, “Is there fruit in this?”

Bruno Postigo – – illustrative purposes only

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