
She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Asked Her To Have Dinner With Him, But When They Met Up, He Said He Already Ate, And Then He Got Mad About Paying For Her Food

Brent Hofacker - - illustrative purposes only
Brent Hofacker - - illustrative purposes only

Usually, when you plan to get dinner with someone, it isn’t customary to eat a meal right before you’re supposed to go out. But apparently, this woman’s date thought it would be a splendid idea.

TikToker Angy (@angybvby) is relaying the story of when she went on a date with a guy who ate dinner without her. And then, he offered to get her some food but was mad when he had to pay for it.

A few years ago, this guy asked her out on a date. They decided to get dinner together and go to the movies afterward.

On the day of the date, he picked her up. He got out of his car, presented a single rose to Angy, and opened the car door for her. So far, their date was off to a very cute and romantic start.

However, once they were situated in the car, he immediately announced to Angy that he had eaten already. Angy had thought they were going to eat together, but she shrugged it off.

As they were driving, they passed by a bunch of restaurants, including a fast food joint. He asked her if she wanted to stop at the fast food place to order some food.

Angy agreed, but while they were in the drive-thru line, she could see him staring at her from the corner of his eye.

She had a feeling that he wanted her to pay for her own food, so she grabbed her purse to get her credit card out.

When they pulled up to the drive-thru window, Angy was still digging around in her purse, trying to find her card.

Brent Hofacker – – illustrative purposes only

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