Categories: Freaky

She Was Really Creeped Out By A Stranger In A Movie Theater Last Year And Thought Her Life Was At Stake

Chip Chick

Seeing a movie at a movie theater should be a fun and exciting experience. But with crime-related incidents that have happened at movie theaters over the years, some people get a little anxious when they go, which is always a shame.

One woman was really creeped out by a stranger in a movie theater last year and thought her life was at stake. 

She went to the movies with her husband a year ago, and they sat in a theater that was about half-full.

She and her husband always like to sit in a specific spot whenever they see a movie to have a great view of the screen, and it’s at the top of the middle section of the theater. 

Once they took their seats, she noticed a guy sitting by himself about four seats to her left in the same row and a couple that moved to the aisle seats below them. 

She looked over at the guy sitting to her left and noticed he was creepily dressed in a dark hoodie and had his hood up so she could hardly see his face.

She really started panicking when she saw he had a giant backpack, which wasn’t typically allowed in that movie theater.

However, that day, she noticed that the theater’s staff didn’t have someone at the front door to check bags.

She did her best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling that was building up and tried to enjoy the movie.

aerogondo – – illustrative purposes only

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Published by
Chip Chick

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