
She Showed Up To Her Cousin’s Birthday Party In A Long Designer Dress After Her Original Outfit Got Taken At A Video Shoot, And Her Cousin Accused Her Of Stealing The Spotlight

That’s why she was forced to turn to the rack of designer clothes.

“All the dresses for the shoot were long and fancy. I picked one of the more modest ones and left, as I was already late for the party,” she recalled.

Being that she was late, she was also the last person to arrive. And as soon as she walked into her cousin’s party, she realized she was the most dressed-up person there.

All of her relatives then began showering her with compliments about her appearance, including Maria’s father. But she really did not want to steal the spotlight away from Maria.

“So I tried to keep close to our 80-year-old grandfather, who only sat still and kept quiet most of the time,” she explained.

“But the rest of the family kept coming to greet me and compliment my dress and look.”

Still, Maria did thank her for the presents and also served her cake. Then, when she complimented Maria’s new hairstyle, her cousin thanked her for that, too.

That’s why she really thought everything at the party had gone well, even after the wardrobe malfunction.

However, as she started driving back home, it became clear that she had thought wrong. Apparently, her cousin started calling her and accusing her of being a real jerk for “showing up like that” and taking all of the attention away.

At that point, she tried to explain what happened with her sundress and apologized for the whole incident.

“But Maria said any decent person would just buy something else to wear before coming,” she vented.

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