
She Got Proposed To In A Swamp In Charleston And Ended Up Yelling At Her Fiancé Mid-Proposal

gpointstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

After the engagement, wedding proposal stories are always fun for people to share. While some go perfectly according to plan, others sometimes miss the mark in a couple of aspects. Regardless, there’s always something to look back fondly on or potentially laugh about, as long as the answer is yes!

TikTok account @ringconcierge shared a clip from a popular relationship podcast, where a guest describes her swampy engagement story.

After stating that she got engaged at a swap in Charleston, SC, the host of the podcast, Kamie Crawford, was shocked!

“You don’t strike me as a swap girl,” she admitted to her guest.

The girl went on to say that she was correct in that assumption and doesn’t evening like to engage in outdoor activities like camping or fishing. Although the original engagement plan started out as a good one, the end location is something that she finds laughable now.

She and her future fiancé were planning to go on a garden tour at a beautiful and large estate in Charleston. However, the timing of everything didn’t quite work how as her fiance had hoped.

“I was really hungry and in a bad mood because he didn’t feed me first,” she said, “so that’s why men are bad at planning.”

We all know how real getting hangry can be! In the midst of this, she suggested that they leave the garden tour to go find something to eat. Little did she know, they could not just go back to the hotel room because waiting for them there was champagne and congratulatory decorations. The surprise would have been totally ruined if she had seen that before her proposal.

So, on the way back to the hotel from the garden tour, he stopped at a swamp tour. He claimed that he really wanted to see this swamp, and they got out of the car. Before she knew it, he was proposing to her on a path in the middle of a swamp.

gpointstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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