
She Found Out That The Guy She Was Seeing Was Fabricating False Stories And Telling Lies Straight To Her Face

alfa27 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Have you ever discovered that someone you cared for and trusted is a pathological and compulsive liar?

TikTok creator Amy Dickinson (@amzdicko) shares how she found out that the guy she was seeing was fabricating false stories and telling lies straight to her face.

During their relationship, the guy she was seeing told Amy that his mother had passed away. He told her all the details of the funeral, and Amy tried her best to support him through this incredibly difficult time.

It started with Amy seeing that his sister posted a photo of their mom on Instagram for Mother’s Day. Amy reached out with her condolences, knowing that this would be their first year without their mother. However, the guy’s sister was very confused by this and asked Amy what she was talking about.

“Then it literally all came undone that the guy who I thought was the best thing ever is a compulsive liar,” Amy said.

Not only did he fabricate his mother’s death, but he also lied to Amy about owning a house, as well as the reasons she could never come over. He had told her that after his mother’s death, his father and his sister were too sad to continue living in the family’s house and decided to move into his own house. Not one bit of this was true!

“Turns out he doesn’t own his own house. He lives at home in the family home with his mum, who’s still alive,” Amy shares.

This entire situation was very emotionally triggering for Amy because she’s been with somebody who had lost a parent while they were together before. So to be going through these emotions again was difficult, and it hurt her to know that all of it was over a huge lie.

“To think that somebody would then go lie about this is so disturbing,” Amy says. “The level of deceit is really confronting, and I basically just switch between laughing about it and crying about it.”

alfa27 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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