
People Share The Moments When They Thought “I’m Out Of Here” And Went Running For The Hills After Horrible First Dates

“I was pretty dumbfounded, and after a bit of stuttering, I told him I didn’t think it was going to work, asked for a to-go box and my portion of the check, and noped the heck out of there.”


A Rat Was Third-Wheeling His Date

“This girl brought her pet rat with her that was hanging out of her bra, and she was feeding it french fries.”

“Then, she casually mentioned she had warrants, so I just faked an emergency and bailed.”


His Date Revealed They Were A Cheater And A Thief

“I went on an OKCupid date. The girl got really drunk super fast, went to the bathroom, came back, and her accent had changed. Odd, but okay, whatever.”

“She drunkenly proceeded to tell me, ‘You know, you’re a really nice guy. Do you know who you’d really get on with? Myyyyy boyfriend!'”

“I wanted to peace out right there and then, but I’d just bought myself a fresh beer. So, to keep the conversation going a bit longer, I told her I liked her dress. She leaned in close and whispered, ‘Can I tell you a secret? I stole it. Do you like to steal?'”


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