
His Girlfriend Got Angry At Him For Not Cleaning The Bathroom Enough After He Trimmed His Beard

kiuikson - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
kiuikson - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Living with a messy person is extremely irritating. It can also be frustrating when you live with someone who is constantly on your case about cleaning up.

Many couples often argue about each other’s cleaning habits, and getting into a good rhythm with household chores can be tough.

One man is frustrated with his girlfriend after she got angry with him for not cleaning up well enough after trimming his beard in their bathroom. 

He lives with his girlfriend, and they get a lot of their household chores done every weekend. After waking up, he made them both coffee and breakfast, but his girlfriend only had a cup of coffee before diving right into cleaning up.

His girlfriend started with the bathroom and began cleaning even though he hadn’t done his morning grooming yet, which included washing up and trimming his beard. He waited until his girlfriend left and went to an appointment before doing so.

After doing his share of chores, he trimmed his beard and cleaned up the mess. However, when his girlfriend got home, she noticed he had left a few beard hairs behind. He claims only two small hairs were left on the sink, but his girlfriend was not happy.

His girlfriend was super frustrated, considering she had just cleaned the bathroom and accused him of not cleaning up after himself. He pointed out that he didn’t get the chance to trim his beard before she cleaned the bathroom because she started right after breakfast.

He and his girlfriend continued arguing, as she was still very angry that he insisted on waiting to trim his beard until she had just finished working hard to clean up their bathroom.

He argued that she knows he usually trims his beard on the weekends and that he didn’t leave behind as much of a mess as she claimed he did.

kiuikson – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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