
His Girlfriend Couldn’t Make A Decision On Where She Wanted To Eat, So He Just Took Her Home Without Any Food At All

After that, he actually wound up repeatedly begging his girlfriend to just make a decision. But she would not budge. That’s why he eventually gave his girlfriend an ultimatum.

“Pick– inside or outside– or I’ll just drive back home,” he said.

To his surprise, though, his girlfriend just told him “fine” and instructed him to drive back home.

So, he drove back to his house, and they never got any foot at all. Plus, once they returned, his girlfriend just left to go back to her home because she was upset that they went out and never picked up anything.

“She also claims that I threatened her to make a decision because I said we would go home if she didn’t choose between eating inside or the drive-thru,” he vented.

And now, ever since the spat with his girlfriend, he’s trying to figure out whether going back home without getting her any food was a jerky move or not.

Why do you think his girlfriend was so opposed to making a choice? Did he just fuel the problem by refusing to make an executive decision? Were they both in the wrong here? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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