
His Girlfriend Couldn’t Make A Decision On Where She Wanted To Eat, So He Just Took Her Home Without Any Food At All

alfa27 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
alfa27 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The other day, this 29-year-old guy was just lying in bed with his girlfriend, who is 28, when he started to crave some ice cream. So, he mentioned to his girlfriend that he wanted some, and she agreed that she was hungry, too.

That’s why they ultimately decided to get out of the house and go somewhere that served both food and ice cream to appease them both.

As soon as they got into the car, though, it was like a war of indecision.

First, he asked his girlfriend where she wanted to go for food. But she just told him to pick out a spot and claimed she was not picking.

So, he decided to give his girlfriend two options and asked which one she wanted.

Still, she just claimed that either place was fine with her, and she refused to make a decision.

And by that point in the drive, they were passing one of the options anyway.

“So I decided to pull in and was a bit frustrated from my lack of sleep and her not having any input,” he explained.

Anyway, after he pulled into the parking lot, he asked his girlfriend if she wanted to eat inside or just go through the drive-thru. But she still refused to offer any input and simply said, “I’m not picking.”

alfa27 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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