
His Fiancée Is Threatening To Call Their Wedding Off Unless He Agrees To Let Her Mom And Dad Move In With Them

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old man sadly lost his grandfather 6 months ago, and in the months leading up to his passing, he was there every step of the way.

It was hard on him, but he dedicated his time to taking care of his grandfather, as his aunts and uncles were too busy to do so. After his grandfather did pass, he wound up inheriting 90% of his grandfather’s wealth.

The amount of money that he inherited is so much that he will never have to work another day in his life.

Additionally, his grandfather left him an enormous estate, and there’s plenty of room for him to live there along with his fiancée, his parents, and her parents.

“Obviously, this comes off as a ‘rich people’ problem, but up until 5 months ago, I was still living in a one-bedroom apartment, working at a rather large supermarket retail store making $12/hour, and going to be paying off college debt until I was in my 60’s,” he explained.

“My fiancée is still working her nursing job, and we’ve been fully living together for four years.”

Now, he met his fiancée 6 years ago, and they really had no issues before getting engaged. Any time they did encounter a problem, they were able to talk out their feelings and work together to find a solution.

Something that certainly adds to their having a seamless relationship is that they want the same things out of life, such as growing old with one another and having children together.

When it comes to his fiancée’s parents, they haven’t helped things any. In fact, when he did get introduced to them, they each told him that they do not like him right to his face.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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