
His Brother’s Pregnant Girlfriend Threw Out The Food He Made Them For Dinner One Night, So He Kicked His Brother And His Girlfriend Out Of His House

Vasyl - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Vasyl - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old guy lives all on his own, and he does have a younger brother who is 21. His brother still lives at home with their mom and dad since he can’t afford to move out and get his own apartment.

His brother also has been dating a 19-year-old girl for the past 4 months, and his brother’s girlfriend is now pregnant.

A few nights ago, his brother asked if he could come over for dinner with his girlfriend because his brother wanted to just “catch up” with him.

He agreed, but as soon as his brother walked through the door of his home along with his girlfriend, he started having problems.

His brother’s girlfriend instantly began complaining about how his house smelled of steak, which was what he was cooking for dinner.

His brother’s girlfriend said there was no way she could eat that for dinner because it was making her sick just to smell it.

“I tried to suggest an alternative, but she was dead set on Chinese food and ended up sending my brother to the nearest mall in order to get her some,” he explained.

“I thought that would be the end of it, but after going to the bathroom and coming back, I caught her throwing my unfinished steak into the garbage.”

“I asked her what…she was doing and said the smell was so strong she thought she’d end up throwing up on the floor and she needed to get rid of it and then started spraying a perfume from her purse in my kitchen. I was beyond furious at this point and sent her back to the living room, and after my brother came back from the mall, I kicked both of them out with their Chinese food.”

Vasyl – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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