
He’s Not Sure If He Should Keep His Pet Bunny Off Of His Dating Profile Because People Told Him Rabbits Are Not Considered “Masculine Pets”

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual bunny
Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual bunny

This guy is currently online dating, and he also has a pet bunny. However, he has heard people say that bunnies are not really considered to be “masculine pets.”

“And it’s not wise to put up an online dating picture with a rabbit as it would be a dog,” he added.

That’s why he recently turned to Reddit for some advice and is wondering whether or not he should keep his pet bunny a secret until he gets serious with a woman.

Now, right off the bat, some Redditors found his predicament ridiculous and questioned how this would even work. More specifically, how he would eventually “come clean” and reveal the fact that he is a bunny owner.

“What’s the plan then? Date her until she falls in love with you, and then, one night, after a few drinks, let it slip that you may have, at one point in your past, bought a rabbit and that perhaps you may still be a rabbit owner but that it shouldn’t change the way they feel about you or what you’ve built together in your relationship up to that point?” asked Acornwow.

“And maybe your rabbit possession doesn’t define you as a man, but you hope that they can see past your rabbit parent status to the person that you are beneath it all?” they continued.

“Come on, man. It’s a rabbit. Plenty of women lose it over rabbits. You’ll be fine.”

All humor aside, most people agreed that this guy is likely putting way too much thought into how other people perceive him and his dating profile.

“You’re overthinking this a lot. Who cares if you have a rabbit? A girl will probably think it’s adorable,” said Maximuss420.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual bunny

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