
Her Wedding Was Completely Traumatic Because Everything Went Wrong, And She Wishes She Had Just Done Something Smaller Instead

“When we got to our hotel room, guess what? There was a leak in our ceiling. So my husband almost slipped and broke his back in the puddle,” Ayumi shared.

The couple had to wait for hours for the hotel to hopefully find a solution to this issue. Unfortunately, they did have any more of those rooms available and would see if they could stay in another room. After more waiting, they came back and told them that no rooms were available at all and they would have to send them to a completely different hotel!

The room that the couple received was nothing in comparison to the original from they had booked, but they were just thankful to have a place to finally rest. However, before going to bed, Ayumi had to deal with her hair.

“My sew-in was so tight that it felt like 500 fire ants a-town stomping on my head and eating my scalp as appetizers,” Ayumi described.

She started to freak out about getting her sew-in out quickly, and her husband was already asleep from such an exhausting day! Finally, hours later, with sore arms and a bruised scalp, Ayumi was ready to get some rest.

Looking back, Ayumi and her husband just have to laugh about all the things that went wrong on their wedding day! Do you have any disastrous wedding stories?

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