
Her Husband Is A Wonderful Provider And Makes About $400,000 A Year, But She’s Having A Hard Time Feeling Grateful For Him

Their daughter has now been in their life for two years, and she’s found herself growing increasingly upset about how their life is in regards to her still having to do so many things by herself.

“It’s really affecting our marriage,” she said. “He works a lot, doesn’t spend that much time with our daughter. I feel like this is what I signed up for, but it’s starting to make me very angry.”

“I don’t have much help, so I do everything on my own. Maybe three hours a week of relief from my mom. He spends five hours a week on exercising but doesn’t even spend 5 hours during the week with our daughter – 2 hours, if that.”

“He says these two things are not mutually exclusive and that work is stressful. I’d like some perspective or insight…I don’t know, maybe a just deal with it. Life should be great…Should I just deal with this and be grateful?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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