
Her Husband Is A Wonderful Provider And Makes About $400,000 A Year, But She’s Having A Hard Time Feeling Grateful For Him

ivanko80 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman married her 35-year-old husband a couple of years back, and they now have a two-year-old daughter together.

Her husband is a wonderful provider for their family in a financial sense, as he makes about $400,000 a year.

Her husband works a minimum of 15 hours every single day, and he often works on the weekends as well.

On top of her husband’s hectic work schedule, he does have to go out socially about once every week for work.

“Before having our daughter, it was always understood that I always did everything home and admin related,” she explained.

“I was working full-time also. It was fine, and I didn’t really have any issues with this. Fast forward to pregnancy, and I didn’t have to work.”

“I really enjoyed this time and could prepare for our family, read lots of books, got everything in order, prepared for six weeks’ worth of meals for after her birth, etc.”

During her pregnancy, she couldn’t exactly look to her husband for support, as he was really preoccupied with work, so she largely had to rely on herself.

And in the months after she gave birth to their daughter, she kept having to do things alone, such as waking up to feed their daughter, washing their daughter, and keeping on top of the household chores and cooking.

ivanko80 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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