
Her Friend Gave Her A Leather Jacket 10 Years Ago, And Now Her Friend Wants It Back

“It’s not that I am unsympathetic to this, but I fail to see how having a jacket that she won’t wear and will sit in her closet will make her grandfather passing easier,” she said.

“Also, her grandfather hasn’t passed yet, and there’s plenty of opportunity for her to ask for something else to remember him by.”

She ended up telling Jackie that although she feels bad about her grandfather being ill, she does not want to return the jacket because of her sentimental attachment to it. When she told Jackie, she was very upset.

Jackie and one of her friends started telling her that she’d rather keep the jacket because of its aesthetic than give it back to Jackie.

“I feel bad about wanting to keep it, but I also am angry that they seem to dismiss my feelings and memories I have made with this jacket, minimizing it to just an aesthetic choice,” she added.

Should she give Jackie the jacket back or keep it for herself?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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