
Her Fiancé Got Back From His Bachelor Party With A Number Of Missed Calls From A Girl He Met While Out Partying, So She’s Not Sure If She Should Cancel Their Wedding

deniskomarov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman has a fiancé the same age as her, who recently had his bachelor party.

When he did finally come home from being out with his friends, he was clearly blackout drunk because he had partied a bit too hard.

As soon as he got back, she noticed that there were multiple missed calls from some random girl he had saved in his phone.

Apparently, this girl was someone who her fiancé had met at his bachelor party, and this girl had called him several times before 4 in the morning.

Every single call from this girl was either missed or canceled, and it doesn’t appear that her fiancé picked up the phone to talk to her, but she still is feeling pretty suspicious about what happened between this girl and her fiancé.

“He says the girl was partying with him and his friends, and nothing happened,” she explained. “He doesn’t remember when and how he saved the girl’s number and name.”

But this is not the only time that her fiancé has behaved in a way that made her think that he was cheating on her.

“He also hid information from me in the past when he traveled abroad, going out at night with a girl he met there, and booking hotel rooms next to each other, bragging to his friends by sending photos of him and the girl, claiming he could have done things but he resisted,” she said.

“He says I should trust him, but it’s hard, and I don’t know how he would react if the story was reversed.”

deniskomarov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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