
Her Daughter Does Chores Around The House To Make Money, And Now Her Boyfriend Wants Her To Cut Down On Her Daughter’s Chores So His Daughter Can Make More Money On Chores

Olya Komarova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
Olya Komarova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

When you were a kid, did you have to do chores? Everyone was raised differently, and every set of parents has their own beliefs on how many chores their kids should or shouldn’t do.

One woman has had a great chore system for her daughter that she has used for years. But after her boyfriend moved in and his daughter started living with them part-time, he expects her to change it. 

She’s 35-years-old and has a nine-year-old daughter. For the past two years, she’s been using a chores and allowance system that works very well for her daughter and teaches her how to be responsible with money.

Every week, her daughter has to complete a small list of mandatory chores that involve making her bed and putting her dirty clothes in the laundry room. Then, there’s a list of more complex and time-consuming tasks for her to complete, like unloading the dishwasher, watering the plants, and folding laundry.

Every week, her daughter has to accomplish three of the more difficult chores, and each one is worth a different amount of money. For example, she gets a dollar anytime she waters the plants and two dollars when she folds laundry.

“She has to pick at least three of the more difficult chores to do per week, but then she can do more if she wants to earn money,” she explained.

“I think this encourages her to prioritize if she wants to save up for something or if she’d rather just play more that week. My kid is responsible, and she usually does more than required and saves her money.”

Recently, her boyfriend moved in with her and her daughter. Her boyfriend has an 11-year-old daughter who stays with them every other weekend. He really admires the chore system she has with her daughter and asked if his daughter could get in on it.

“That’s fine, but she’s there way less often, so my daughter usually gets to most of the chores, especially the stuff that pays more,” she said.

Olya Komarova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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