
Her Boyfriend Told Her That He Never Struggles With Jealousy Because There’s No Way Any Other Guy Could Want Her

shurkin_son - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
shurkin_son - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old woman has been dating her 25-year-old boyfriend for the last 5 months, and he is an incredibly direct kind of person.

Now, they both happen to live in Korea, and her boyfriend is from there, yet she is not. She says that Korean women are pretty much all tiny and thin, but she’s the opposite.

“I am short, stocky, and recently, because of a hormonal imbalance, I’ve gained a lot of weight,” she explained.

“I gained the weight before I met him. I am now on a realistic meal plan, designed by a dietitian, with my hormone issue kept in mind. As well as this, I go to a boxing gym 3x a week and walk 40 minutes every day.”

Earlier today, her boxing trainer put a video up on Instagram of her working out, and the caption her trainer used was, “She is growing in strength every day. She is beautiful, and after her diet, she will be the most beautiful.”

She was excited about the video, as she thought she really looked like she knew what she was doing.

So, she decided to show the video to her boyfriend, but he laughed at her. He then said her trainer was using the video for marketing purposes.

She didn’t disagree with that statement at all, but she was proud of her hard work in the video.

But, out of nowhere, her boyfriend then pretty much said to her that he never gets envious that some other guy will steal her from him because there’s no way another guy could want her.

shurkin_son – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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