
He Offered To Take His Girlfriend On A Surprise Shopping Trip, But Then He Left Her At The Register Because The $200 Bill Was Out Of His Budget 

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This guy and his girlfriend decided to go to the mall together yesterday. And while they were there, he surprised his girlfriend by revealing how he wanted to buy her a dress as a gift.

Now, he never once specified a budget to his girlfriend. But he did have one in mind and thought he would end up spending between $50 and $100.

“And she seemed excited about it initially,” he recalled.

“But things took an unexpected turn.”

Apparently, after he revealed the surprise, his girlfriend randomly changed her mind and asked if she could pick out some perfume and makeup instead of getting a dress.

Still, he was fine with that and figured the bill would still come out within the anticipated price range– which he thought was reasonable.

Well, once it was actually time for them to check out, he learned that the bill had actually totaled about $200.

“And I was completely caught off guard by the price, as it was way above what I had anticipated,” he said.

He didn’t have any idea how to react, either. So, he actually just hesitated at the register before walking away. Then, he “pretended” to browse the store looking at other items and never actually paid for the bill!

Cookie Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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