
He Found Out His Wife Was Receiving Inappropriate Photos From Her Former Boss, So Now He Wants To Tell The Boss’ Wife, Too

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this man’s wife worked at her previous job, she wound up hitting it off with her former boss. So, they formed a long-distance friendship– despite the fact that his wife’s boss lived 2,000 miles away and the pair only ever met in person a handful of times.

Over the past year, both his wife and her former boss also changed their jobs. But they still continued communicating on occasion as friends– or so he thought.

Just last week, he actually realized that his wife’s old employer had been acting very inappropriately. And now, he feels like the man’s own wife needs to know about it.

It all began after he found out that his wife’s former boss had messaged her with a steamy picture “as a joke.”

He made this discovery after he came across a screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation– which contained the photo and had already been deleted– very unexpectedly. Yet, his wife did not think it was a big deal.

“My wife claimed her former boss sent it to be funny, and she didn’t realize it [the photo] was saved,” he recalled.

Regardless of that, he pointed out how his wife should’ve known what her former boss was doing. Plus, he revealed how he wanted to share the inappropriate messages– or at least the fact that they existed– with her former boss’ wife.

His wife is not on board with that, though, because she believes the truth would reflect badly on her, especially because the messages had been saved on her phone in a screenshot.

“But I don’t follow that logic since I am the one who would be most upset by this photo, not her ex-boss,” he vented.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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