
He Called His Girlfriend’s Home Decor “Bizarre” And Refused To Host A Work Gathering At Her Place Since He’s Concerned What People Will Think

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old guy has been with his girlfriend, who is 29, for over a year now. And he believes that she is funny, smart, and a tad quirky.

His girlfriend also happens to have a serious job that comes with a generous salary. At the same time, he works in finance.

So, they apparently get along really well and always have a great time together.

“The only thing is her choice in home ‘decor’ is bizarre, and, to put it frankly, not something you think a normal, grown adult would be into,” he revealed.

“Her apartment is definitely a reflection of herself and her interests. Not in the best way, though.”

For context, one of the walls in his girlfriend’s apartment is dedicated to animations– such as Futurama– and has “weird” etchings of a triangle character. Then, another wall showcases framed, preserved insects.

However, the bugs are not just moths or butterflies. Instead, his girlfriend actually displays beetles, tarantulas, and stick insects.

In terms of the bathroom, there is a subtle theme of the ocean in there– which is quite common. But there are no sea shells or starfish.

Rather, his girlfriend has an anglerfish nightlight, a framed diagram of a Goblin Shark next to the toilet, and a tiny “vampiric” squid painting hanging on the wall.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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