
Have You Ever Felt So Overwhelmed That You Forgot To Stop To Recognize All You Have To Be Grateful For? Well, Here’s How To Be More Present And Appreciative

mary_markevich - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
mary_markevich - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer, Caiti McGowan.

Between busy lives and hectic schedules, it can sometimes feel nearly impossible to feel calm and present.

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with things going on in your day-to-day life that you forgot to stop for a moment and recognize all that you have to be grateful for?

These days, a life that is jammed-packed with work and life events is seen as the norm and often a lifestyle that people aspire to have.

However, what is often overlooked is the negative mental health effects that overworking, and no downtime can have on an individual. With life so busy, it is hard to slow down and enjoy the moments that are so quickly passing by.

Focus On Right Now

It is definitely a challenge to not constantly be thinking and/or worrying about an upcoming stressor or a past regret. I, for one, am guilty of fretting too much over the future and consistently asking myself the dreaded “what if” questions.

The reality is we cannot change the past, and we cannot directly control what happens in the future. Next time you catch yourself with spiraling thoughts, try to remember that all you can do is control right now.

How do you want to use the time that is currently being given to you at this moment? Make the most of the moments you are given rather than thinking about how to change moments that have or have not happened yet.

mary_markevich – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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