
After She Told Her Sister-In-Law She Couldn’t Attend Her Bachelorette Party, Her Sister-In-Law Wants To Cancel The Entire Thing

Yuliya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Yuliya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When someone you’re close to starts planning their wedding, sometimes you spend a lot of time with them, attending events, and traveling around. For some people, it’s absolutely exhausting.

One woman recently told her sister-in-law she couldn’t attend her bachelorette party because she’s pregnant and it would be too difficult. Now, her sister-in-law is extremely distraught and wants to cancel the entire party. 

Her sister-in-law is her husband’s 32-year-old sister, and they’ve gotten along over the years. Although they’ve never been extremely close, they’ve always had a good rapport. That is, until now.

Her sister-in-law is getting ready to marry her boyfriend of 12 years in the fall. It’s a very exciting occasion since the two of them have been together for so long and have a two-year-old daughter. 

She was recently told by the maid of honor that her sister-in-law’s bachelorette party was going to be quite intense. It’s being held at a place three hours away from her and will be pretty expensive.

Although she’d normally be there in a heartbeat, she’s in a special circumstance as she will be 27 weeks pregnant by the time the party rolls along.

“I don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to hang out with a bunch of drunk women I don’t know while sober, three hours from home,” she explained.

“All of the activities involve drinking in some way. So, I declined the invitation thinking she’d be understanding.”

Unfortunately, her sister-in-law was not very understanding. Her husband told her his sister had called to find out why she wasn’t attending the bachelorette party. When he reiterated that it would be too much for her that far along in her pregnancy and that they needed to save some money for the baby, her sister-in-law freaked out. 

Yuliya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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