
A Guy Told Her On The First Date That She Was Not Allowed To Have Any Guy Friends, And He Also Lied About His Height

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

There’s always a risk when it comes to meeting someone through a dating app. You just never know what or who you’ll find.

TikToker Kendra (@thelegendofkendra) is sharing a tale about an awful Tinder date. The man she went out with lied about his height and told her she couldn’t have any guy friends. It’s a wonder how they even got matched in the first place!

She met a cute guy on Tinder who was a sushi chef, so they decided to go get sushi together. Before their date, he texted her, asking how tall she was.

She told him she was five feet and five inches tall, while he said he was five feet and ten inches. So Kendra wore her favorite heeled boots to the date.

When she arrived at the sushi restaurant, she saw that he was not the height he had claimed to be. Instead, he seemed to be around five feet and seven inches.

The dinner didn’t go so great because he was displaying very controlling behavior. He told Kendra that she was not allowed to have any male friends.

However, she mentioned that since she was a pilot, she worked with a lot of male coworkers who were her friends.

He stated that it didn’t matter and that if he had any female friends, he would drop them immediately for her.

Later during their date, he announced that he had something to tell her. Kendra had a bad feeling regarding the news he was about to spill.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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