Categories: Romance

A Guy Made Horrible Remarks About A Homeless Man On Their First Date, And She Viewed That As A Major Red Flag

Katharina Buczek

This 19-year-old girl recently went out on a first date with a guy, who is 21, just a few days ago. And for their date, they decided to go out to the city to grab some food.

But, while they were in the city, she realized that a homeless man had fallen out of his wheelchair right across the street from them.

So, she pointed out what had happened, and they both ran over to help pick up the man.

Then, after they finished helping, someone behind them started profusely thanking them for actually stepping in and doing something– because, apparently, everyone else in the vicinity had just been standing there and staring.

But the guy she went on a date with did not even bother responding to that. Instead, he just started going on a rant about how he needed hand sanitizer because the homeless man was “so freaking dirty.”

“Like, he kept saying it over and over again and whining about how dirty that man was and how gross homeless people are,” she revealed.

While her date was complaining, they were also still very close to the homeless man. So, the poor man likely heard all of the horrible things her date was saying.

And at that moment, she detailed how she just could not believe her ears.

“Like, I get it, he might not be the cleanest, but to publicly humiliate someone like that who is clearly struggling is just such an ick,” she explained.

Irving Sandoval – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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