When the police arrived, one of the officers was a man who she saw most times she got in trouble. He was in his 60s and often lectured her about her bad behavior.
That night, he was there for her and took down her story. Both her mother and her boyfriend were taken into custody. The cop then told her something that changed her life for the better.
“I’m really sorry about all of this. I’m sorry, but you’re not going home,” he told her. “It’s time for you to change. Do you want to end up like her, or do you want to be somebody?”
She knew then and there that she wanted to be somebody and break the vicious cycle that her parents had put her in.
So she was placed into foster care, which she says was difficult but much needed in the end. She remained friends with that police officer until the day he died and went to him whenever she needed help. Because of him, she has been a working corrections officer for two years.
Her mother got better and has been sober for the last 10 years. She met a great guy and remarried.
If it wasn’t for the help and wisdom of that police officer, who knows where these two women would be today?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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