
She Commented On Her Stepdaughter’s B.O. At The Dinner Table, And Said More Showers Were Needed, So Her Stepdaughter Became Pretty Embarrassed

Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 47-year-old woman married her husband, who is 48, a long time ago. And since then, they have had three sons together– Jesse, Todd, and Jake– who are 12, 10, and 8-years-old, respectively.

Before they got married, her husband also had two children of his own– a son named Zak, who is 19, and a daughter, Sam, who is 16.

So, Zak currently lives in an apartment with his boyfriend; meanwhile, Sam lives with her and her husband, and Sam visits her biological mother’s home every other weekend.

Anyway, she claimed that she really loves Sam and getting to be her stepmom.

“It’s so exhilarating to have a daughter to bond with, to put it selfishly,” she admitted.

“I really do love the woman she is becoming because she’s sweet and generous and quick-witted.”

She and Sam reportedly have a ton of fun whenever they go out together. And beyond just the fun times, she truly believes that she has forged a strong bond with the teen.

The only issue, though, is that she recently realized Sam has begun to “kick up quite a funk.” According to her, Sam is reaching that age when teenagers need a few showers a day in order to steer clear of sweat stink.

On top of the usual teenage smell, her stepdaughter is also apparently a very active girl. Sam runs, swims, bikes, and even plays soccer.

Syda Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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