
His Girlfriend Has Kept Their Adopted Cat In A Cone For Over A Year, So Now He’s Considering Breaking Up With Her And Taking The Cat Away

Now, at that point, he claimed his girlfriend was seriously stressed out– claiming that they might have to just give up the cat because they just could not afford the veterinarian bills.

“Even though we absolutely could,” he noted.

Strangely, though, he revealed how he knew that his girlfriend was actually allergic to cats long before they adopted their new pet. Apparently, cat saliva aggravates her eczema and causes her to sneeze and have itchy eyes.

But his girlfriend said she never had a problem with her old cats as long as they were regularly bathed. So, that’s why he and his girlfriend were deemed safe adoptive parents.

However, the entire time the cat’s eye was healing– which took three months– the cat wore a cone. It was able to sleep, eat, and drink with the cone on, so they just never really took it off.

Due to this, his new pet became extremely depressed. It became so sad, in fact, that he actually took it back to the vet.

According to him, the feline would not play with toys or do really anything except try to groom itself and beg for attention. So, he obviously felt horrible for his pet– especially because it took months for the infection to go away.

Eventually, though, the cat’s eye got better, and he was allowed to take the cone off. But at that point, things backfired.

Since the cat had not been able to groom itself properly for months, it started grooming itself constantly for hours at a time.

This sudden behavioral change– which would happen every time the cone was taken off–  also caused the cat to become extremely stressed out.

Plus, the cat’s constant anxiety and licking also caused his girlfriend’s allergies to act up. And once she started sneezing more, she just put the cone back on their pet and insisted that they keep it on because of her allergies and the cat’s anxious behavior.

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