
He’s Convinced That Girls Make Great Detectives After One Of His Female Friends Met A Cute Guy At A Bar And Didn’t Remember His Name, Yet Somehow Found Him Online

Aliaksandr Barouski - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Aliaksandr Barouski - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever gone down a social media rabbit hole? You opened up Instagram hours ago, and somehow you wound up on a friend of a friend’s cousin’s girlfriend’s page. Now, you know all about how she was on vacation in the Bahamas, her favorite coffee shop, and how many siblings she has.

TikToker Mark Roberts (@mmarkroberts) is describing something similar regarding his friend who basically uncovered a guy’s entire background after doing some research on social media.

He was highly impressed and, quite frankly, a bit spooked about her extraordinary sleuthing skills. What can we say? Girls make great detectives.

So Mark’s friend had met a cute guy at the bar but had unfortunately forgotten his name. However, she did remember that the guy said he worked in finance and had recently graduated from the University of Pennsylvania.

Soon after she met the guy, she had to leave with her friends to go to another bar, so she never received the chance to get his contact information.

Mark thought that was the end of it. With so few details known about him, it seemed impossible to ever find the guy again. But Mark was proven wrong.

His friend began researching the top finance companies in their area. Then, she looked up each of the companies on LinkedIn to see which of them hired the most UPenn graduates.

She found a company that matched what she was looking for and sifted through a list of their recent hires. She couldn’t find him anywhere on the list, but she didn’t stop there.

Next, she headed over to Instagram and searched for the company’s Instagram account. She examined the company’s tagged posts and managed to track down the account of the guy she met at the bar.

Aliaksandr Barouski – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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