Her Friend Lied To Her College Boyfriend, So He Ghosted Her Before Knowing That She Was Pregnant, And Now He Expects Her To Tell Their Child Who He Really Is

Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman has a 4-year-old son named Mike, and Mike’s biological father has not been involved in his life until recently.

Mike’s biological father is her old boyfriend from back in college named Jason, and Jason ghosted her prior to her even sharing with him that she was pregnant.

She initially learned about her pregnancy at the time of finals, and since she and Jason were both completing grad school, she waited to tell him.

Jason was so anxious about finals, and he also had a lot on his plate family and work-wise, so that made her hesitate to share the news.

She thought it would be best to wait until Jason completed his exams before telling him that she was pregnant.

Additionally, she was nervous to tell Jason because she was having a hard time coming to terms with the unexpected news.

“I admit that during this time, I was acting out of the ordinary and being a little secretive,” she explained.

“Unfortunately, Jason got the wrong idea and…friend “Amanda” (30f) convinced him I was cheating, so when I came back to our apartment, he was gone. He posted an awful message about me on social media and then blocked me, and so did most of our mutual friends, along with all of his family members. I was devastated and desperate, so desperate that I even swallowed my pride and reached out to Amanda to beg him to talk to me.”

“She then proceeded to taunt me and then sent me a screenshot of Jason’s text calling me a liar and pathetic for trying to pass off another man’s baby as his.”

Syda Productions – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She attempted to contact Jason as she got closer to welcoming her baby into the world, but she got no reply.

Then, after she gave birth to Mike, she tried again to contact Jason, though he never answered her that time either.

Her final attempt at contacting Mike was going through the courts, but he had gone to another country for a job, so that was a dead end.

Eventually, she met a man named Dan, who was truly wonderful, and they got married. Dan then said he wanted to adopt Mike as his own, and he stepped in to be a dad to him.

Surprisingly, right after she and Dan had a baby together, Jason popped up, and he issued her an apology.

Apparently, Jason finally found out about Amanda’s lies and knew that Mike was really his son. Well, she pretty much freaked out on Jason because she was so furious.

Several days later, Jason asked if he would be able to meet Mike. She spoke to Dan about this first, and they figured it wouldn’t hurt, but they should only say that Jason is her “friend from college.”

To date, Jason has gotten to meet Mike a handful of times. She has given Jason photos of Mike, and she also has permitted Jason to video call Mike too.

But again, this has all been done without telling Mike who Jason really is.

“Recently, Jason reached out to me about wanting to know when we’d tell Mike that he was his “real” father and I countered back that Dan was his real dad as he was the one who was helping me raise him, and that he could either be “Uncle Jason” or nothing at all,” she said.

“Jason got upset and pointed out how it wasn’t his fault that he wasn’t a part of Mike’s life, that he’s trying now, and how his family wants to meet him.”

“I countered that if he hadn’t of ghosted me, he wouldn’t be in this situation right now, and in the eyes of the law, he doesn’t get say. Dan agrees that Mike may be too young right now but feels it’s wrong to keep Jason out all together…”

She’s left wondering if she should tell Mike who Jason really is. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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