Her Daughter Is Always Bullied About Her Weight By One Specific Girl At School, So She Told Her Daughter The Bully Did Not Have A Right To Make Fun Of Anyone Else’s Looks, And She Got Accused Of Stooping To The Bully’s Level

goodluz - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
goodluz - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

goodluz - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a 13-year-old daughter named Tina, who has, unfortunately, been dealing with the same bully for two years.

Tina’s bully is named Megan, and apparently, her daughter’s school has done what it can to help the situation.

The two girls are no longer in any of the same classes together, and their lockers are far apart. Last year, Megan was even suspended due to a “particularly harsh incident.”

And according to her, that incident was what really pushed the school to start taking Tina and the incessant bullying more seriously.

Still, her daughter’s school is really the only junior high in her area. Plus, homeschooling is not an option. So, Tina will just have to deal with the bullying until she starts high school.

“Thankfully, the girls are going to different high schools,” she revealed.

“And the bullying has also decreased immensely since the school started taking measures to keep them apart.”

However, earlier this week, Megan started bullying her daughter again over the same topic as usual– Tina’s weight.

Apparently, her daughter’s weight is what the bully always goes after. However, she claims that Tina is not overweight at all; instead, her daughter is just a bit curvier.

goodluz – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Tina is even pretty happy with her body, too. Well, that’s until either Megan or one of Megan’s friends decides to make comments about it.

And for whatever reason, on Monday, Tina’s bully decided to tear into her again.

It all started when the girls were waiting outside of school for the bus at the same time. Then, while Tina was standing there, Megan started making nasty comments about her daughter’s body.

So, Tina ended up coming home very upset, and she was distraught for her daughter yet again.

Now, one thing she admits to always telling her husband is the fact that Megan probably makes fun of her daughter because the bully is likely just insecure about herself.

More specifically, she claims that while Megan may be thin, she is not really “conventionally pretty.”

“And I am not saying she’s ugly– we all have things about ourselves that we may not like or are insecure about. I also would never say this to Megan, as obviously, that’s mean, and it would be stooping to her level,” she explained.

But, after seeing Tina so upset again, she decided to try and make her daughter feel better by being honest about her perspective on Megan’s appearance. Plus, she claims that it even helped make Tina feel a bit better.

Unfortunately, though, it appears that her older daughter Alexa– who is 20 years old– overheard what she told Tina.

So, Alexa ended up accusing her of being “just as nasty as Megan” and even said that she should not be “putting stuff like that” in her younger daughter’s head.

She did not think it was that big of a deal, though, and told Alexa that Tina would never actually tell anyone what she had said. Still, Alexa claimed she had no real way of knowing what Tina would do in that situation.

So now, she has been left wondering whether saying that Tina’s bully did not have a right to make fun of anyone else’s looks actually makes her a bully or not. 

If you were ever bullied growing up, how did your parents address it? Do you think it is okay for her to try to build up her own daughter’s self-esteem? Should Megan be able to “dish it” without getting a taste of her own medicine? If you were in this mom’s shoes, what would you tell your daughter?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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