He Made $1.4 Million By Investing His Parents’ Money In Stocks, But Now, They Are Refusing To Share The Percentage They Previously Agreed On And Want To Give Him $100,000 Instead

deagreez - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
deagreez - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

deagreez - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old guy claims that ever since he was a young boy, he has been very interested in learning about finances, how to make money, and how to be successful in general. He would watch Youtube videos and read books about these topics constantly.

Then, by the time he graduated high school, he decided to attend a private university in Germany to study international business and marketing.

Now, even though his parents were financially “fine” since they owned a family business, he claimed that they were not rich. Still, they did not hesitate to support his education and actually paid for his college tuition in full– which he is very grateful for.

Once he got to the private university, though, he was not always happy. A large percentage of the student population were the children of very wealthy people who owned fancy clothing, cars, and other belongings. So, he sometimes felt like an outsider.

At the same time, though, seeing what other students had also motivated him to start changing his personal financial situation while still in school. More specifically, by the end of his first semester of college, he decided to begin investing.

“My plan was to expand my knowledge in a period of six months and then invest the money that I had saved up by working in our family business,” he recalled.

So, after reading many books, conducting research, and speaking with professors, he eventually felt capable and decided to enter the stock market.

He put $7,000, the entirety of his savings, into Tesla stock at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic– when most stock prices had already fallen.

He remembers that being a really exciting and special moment in his life, simply because he trusted himself and took that leap of faith. The best part, though, was how, shortly after he invested the money, it really started to grow fast.

deagreez – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

And after realizing that, he decided to speak with his parents and ask them for a loan. That way, he could invest even more money and increase the profit returns.

He reportedly prepared an entire presentation and delivered it to his parents in a very professional way. It appears that his parents were very impressed, too, since they ultimately decided to lend him $10,000.

Then, once he invested that additional money, his portfolio continued to grow. And since his parents were so pleased with the growth, they decided to give him an additional $80,000 in separate installments to continue investing in the stock market.

Finally, after the portfolio’s value increased even more, he and his parents spoke one more time. At that point, they offered to give him the entirety of their savings– valued at $115,000– to invest. And he did.

Soon after, though, all of this investment growth seemingly got to his parents’ heads.

According to him, one of his professors– who also mentored him– tried to warn him about this possibility.

“Early on, he advised me to be careful as money can change people and other typical stuff you hear from rich guys,” he explained.

“To simplify, he wanted me to have guidelines with my parents– like who does what, and who gets how much money after?”

Since he was working with his parents, though, he never had that conversation. Well, that was until his parents gave him the final installment of $115,000, and he felt that it was time to have a chat– given the huge responsibility that came with handling his parents’ entire savings.

Anyway, he and his parents scheduled an appointment, but his father ended up not being able to attend. So, he and his mother ultimately discussed his concerns together.

He reportedly told his mom that since he was responsible for doing all of the research and work, he should be entitled to 50% of the returns. A fifty-fifty split was apparently what his advisor advised him to ask for, and he believed that was fair, too.

After he laid out his expectations, though, his mom reportedly became “very uncomfortable.” Still, she agreed to the terms, and he claims to have told his mother that he never wanted to fight with her or his father over money in the future. After all, the capital returns were a massive blessing for their family.

Since having that conversation, though, the stock portfolio actually grew to a whopping $1.4 million. Then, given Russia’s war in Ukraine, the investments fell to $650,000 and are slowly recovering.

And just a few days ago, everything changed concerning the agreement with his parents.

It all began when he was at his parent’s home, and they began discussing some family matters. Afterward, his mom went to drive him home, and during that car ride, he noticed that his mom was very quiet.

Now, this was very uncharacteristic of his mom– given that she is normally very outgoing and conversational. So, he decided to ask her if something was wrong, and she claimed that everything was fine.

Only a few seconds later, though, his mom then began asking him what he planned to do with his share of the money after he decided to sell the stocks.

For context, he apparently plans to sell when they are valued between $4 million and $5 million.

“But the moment I started talking about my plans– buying a home, nice car, new investments– she started laughing and telling me there was no way I would be able to afford this stuff with my part of the money,” he revealed.

Obviously, this confused him, and he ended up asking his mom how much money she thought he was going to receive. And at that point, she answered $100,000.

And honestly, he believed she was joking. But, his mom reportedly went on to rant about how he, his sister, and his brother would all get $100,000 each.

This utterly shocked him, though, since his siblings had absolutely nothing to do with the investments.

Moreover, he claims that his sister explicitly refused to have any part in the portfolio, given how risky the stock market can be.

So, his heart dropped, and quite frankly, he felt played by his own mom.

This caused the pair to get into a fight, and he told his mom to stop the car in the middle of nowhere. Afterward, he got out and walked a few kilometers home.

“I couldn’t breathe all the way through. I was mad, sad, hysterical for a moment even,” he vented.

Anyway, aside from the fact that his portfolio growth is a massive accomplishment to achieve at a young age, he claims it was always his dream to make a lot of money.

But now, after putting in the work for years, he feels like his parents are screwing him over.

After all, his mom guaranteed that he would be entitled to 50%. So now, if his parents go back on their word, he believes he will not even be able to look them in the eyes.

Since that argument in the car, he also has not spoken to his parents, and he feels as though a contestation will soon follow. Still, he has no clue what to do.

He does not want to sue his parents, but he also knows they do not have a contract in place. So, he is not sure if he should get a lawyer, try to talk to his parents and find a solution, or just swallow the loss.

“I also can’t talk to my mentor, as I feel like I will absolutely disappoint him with my decision to go against his experienced opinion,” he admitted.

What’s most important to him at the end of the day, though, is his family. Still, while he does not want to lose them over money, he also cannot just forget how they stabbed him in the back.

So, he has been left wondering how to handle this situation and whether he should go after his parents for the money or not.

What is the standard fee a hedge fund manager or financial advisor charges? Do you think a 50% fee is reasonable? Regardless, since his mom agreed to those terms, should he be entitled to the return? If you were in his shoes, would you pursue legal action?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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