This 32-year-old woman met her 32-year-old sister-in-law Mary back when they were in college. They ended up being in the same dorm room, and they loved getting to bake and cook together.
It wasn’t long until they were the best of friends. Mary also helped her meet her 35-year-old husband, John, who happens to be Mary’s brother.
After dating John for some time, she tied the knot with him 8 years back. They then went on to have kids; a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old.
“Mary was thrilled for us; she had a close relationship with John and remained best friends with me,” she explained.
“John is very intelligent and a bit competitive in nature, so he naturally went into an intense career field. Unfortunately, he turned towards alcoholism to cope with an intense job.”
“He started seeing a therapist who helped him identify his triggers, he drank less, and then he quit therapy thinking he was fixed.”
John eventually began drinking again, and his alcohol consumption only increased. John fell into the same pattern for 5 long years, where he would go back to therapy, stop drinking, stop therapy, and then go back to drinking.
All 4 times that he did this, he promised her things and said he would change. And, when they did welcome their first child into the world, she had no idea how bad John’s drinking had gotten.
When their second child entered the world, John swore that he would finally work hard to get sober for good.
halayalex – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
John ended up breaking his promise and started having 1 or 2 drinks every week, and he never did get sober as promised.
As time wore on, he kept breaking more promises he made to her and their children. He stayed out at night having drinks with different friends who didn’t support him staying away from alcohol.
“After the 3rd time he quit therapy, I gave him an ultimatum, get sober, or I was leaving him and taking the kids,” she said.
“I followed through with it. Mary and I stayed best friends after college, but John asked me to keep his drinking from his sister the first time around and didn’t want her to think he had a problem.”
“He was my husband, so I agreed if he worked on staying sober. When I divorced him, it appeared out of the blue to Mary and their parents, who couldn’t understand why I would up and leave her brother and adamantly take the kids, only letting him have visitation.”
Mary thought it was all her fault for divorcing John, and it made Mary want to stop being friends with her.
So, she confessed to Mary the real reason why she filed for divorce. She told Mary that she was still in love with John, but she couldn’t stand by and let him ruin her life or the life of their children since he refused to remain in therapy and couldn’t manage to get sober.
Mary honestly had no clue that John had an alcohol problem at all, and when she learned the truth, she was appalled.
“She got very emotional when I admitted to her how many times I let myself get excited for plans her brother made with me or the kids, only to be flaked on when her brother poured himself a drink after work,” she continued.
“She went to give John a piece of her mind and asked him to get his (act) together. John’s now extremely upset at me for spilling his secret that I’d promised to keep because “Mary’s image of him is now rubbish,” and his parents are disappointed in him too.”
“I think I had a right to explain myself to my best friend, and I no longer had a promise to keep after he broke his end of it.”
She’s left wondering if she really was somehow in the wrong for telling Mary the truth about why she filed for divorce.
What do you think?
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