She Didn’t Put Out A Cake Her Mother-In-Law Bought For Her Daughter’s Birthday Because It Clashed With The Party Theme, And Now Her Mother-In-Law Is Furious With Her

Elena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
Elena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Elena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This 23-year-old woman is married, and she believes that her mother-in-law– who is 63– is the nicest person in the world.

But, even though she absolutely loves her mother-in-law, there are some boundary issues that really get on her nerves.

“Sometimes, she does not understand that she is a grandmother and not the mother of her grandchildren,” she revealed.

And she claims that one instance just recently, which involved her daughter’s birthday, perfectly exemplifies what she means.

For context, her daughter– who just turned 3– decided to pick out a cake for her birthday. Afterward, she and her husband, who is 37, ended up buying the cake– plain and simple.

Her mother-in-law reportedly knew about this whole arrangement beforehand, too. Yet, on the day of her daughter’s birthday party, her mother-in-law still showed up with a whole other cake.

According to her, the cake was much bigger and, honestly, very beautiful. Regardless, though, she knew that her mother-in-law’s cake choice was nowhere close to what her daughter wanted.

“You know, at that age, they get obsessed with one thing and use it on everything– cake, clothes, toys, EVERYTHING,” she explained.

In other words, the entire party was decorated according to the cake that her daughter picked out– from the table itself to the original cake and cupcakes.

Elena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

So, she knew that she could not just throw away the cake her daughter wanted and replace it with her mother-in-law’s. But, her mother-in-law has taken some serious offense to that.

Apparently, she got accused of hurting her mother-in-law’s feelings– who believes that she could have just put the second cake on the side “at least.”

She did not want to ruin the theme of her daughter’s party, though, so she ended up just telling her mother-in-law no. And if you could not have guessed, that just made her mother-in-law even angrier.

In fact, her mother-in-law then tried to claim that her daughter did not even understand party themes.

So, she got accused of not wanting to use the cake because it “looked horrible to her.” In all honesty, though, she claims that was just not true.

“I think it was a beautiful cake, but it did not go with the theme of the party. So, I didn’t use it as the main cake,” she said.

Plus, it’s not like she and her husband discarded a perfectly good cake, either.

Instead, they still cut up her mother-in-law’s cake, distributed the slices, and shared it with everyone. It appears that was just not enough for her mother-in-law, though.

So now, she is honestly feeling pretty torn about the whole situation. On the one hand, she realizes that she would probably just apologize for being hurtful if her mother-in-law was a “normal grandmother.”

But, she claims that her mother-in-law just is not– and actually acts like the mother of her own children pretty often.

“And this was not the first time she wanted to do something for my children when I already did it, so I am tired,” she vented.

So now, with her mother-in-law still pretty angry at her, she has been left wondering whether refusing to use the cake at her daughter’s birthday party makes her a real jerk or not.

Why do you think her mother-in-law seemingly treats her like a child? Would you be frustrated if your mother-in-law kept crossing your boundaries as a parent? Do you think she intended to hurt her mother-in-law’s feelings or just wanted to keep the integrity of the party theme? If you had been in her shoes, what would you have done? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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