A Few Weeks Ago, She Saw That Her Boyfriend Had A Photo Of A Girl In A Bikini Saved On His Phone But He Lied About How He Knew Her, So She’s Left Wondering Who This Girl Really Is

nikkimeel - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
nikkimeel - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

nikkimeel - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 27-year-old girl is currently dating a guy who is 31, and a couple of weeks ago, they were sitting next to one another while her boyfriend was going through his phone, trying to find a photo they had taken together.

As her boyfriend was going through his saved photos, she saw that her boyfriend had a photo of a girl in a bikini saved on his phone.

She wasted no time in asking her boyfriend who this girl was, and he said that he was busy trying to find the photo they were looking for and brushed off her question.

Eventually, her boyfriend located the photo they had been trying to find, and so she then again questioned him about the girl in the bikini and how he had come to get that photo.

Her boyfriend finally admitted that he had found the photo on this girl’s social media account, and she then demanded to know what this girl’s account name was so she could investigate.

Her boyfriend did tell her the information she was looking for, but later on, when she did a deeper dive, she realized that the girl in the photo was not the same girl on social media.

The girl on social media was an influencer with millions of followers, and she was clearly a totally different girl.

“The influencer’s account he said that was the girl in the photo looked nothing like the bikini photo I saw; they were not even close to the same girl,” she explained.

“And the bikini photo was a bathroom…pic, not nice photos by an influencer who has that many followers. I went through every photo and can confirm they don’t even look alike.”

nikkimeel – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“When all of this happened, we were out at a bar with friends. I knew that I was emotional and that talking about this in public was a bad idea.”

This photo incident happened more than 3 weeks ago, and she has not addressed the issue again with her boyfriend, even though it’s really bothering her.

She isn’t sure how to re-address this issue with her boyfriend, and she doesn’t want to break up with him, so that could be part of the reason why she hasn’t said anything to him about the photo.

Her boyfriend really is the most wonderful guy that she has ever been in a relationship with, and he came into her life when she really did not want to be alone.

Her boyfriend also makes her feel really wonderful, except for this one incident. She is left feeling upset, but she is stuck with how to deal.

“But who is the girl in this photo?” she wondered. “Where did it come from? Are there more photos?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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