She Told Her Boyfriend Months Ago That While Her Business Takes Off During The Holiday Months, She Cannot Do Any Household Chores, And He Wrote Her Off, But Now That She Is Really Busy, Her Boyfriend Is Shocked And Calling Her Lazy

Alliance - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Alliance - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Alliance - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This thirty-year-old woman currently runs an online small business from home, and the holiday months– particularly November and December– are always her busiest time of year.

The good thing about that, though, is that she makes most of her money during this time, which allows her to work a bit less during the warmer months. That sounds like a good trade-off to me!

She also first launched the business five years ago when she was twenty-five. So, in that time, she has gained a lot of knowledge and has a good idea about what she can handle.

“And focusing on work for only one to two months is a sacrifice I am willing to make for a chill rest of the year,” she noted.

This holiday season has been a bit different, though, since she recently moved in with her boyfriend– who is thirty-five. Well, actually, her boyfriend technically moved in with her since she owns her home.

“So it was a no-brainer for him to move in with me,” she said.

Anyway, since they started living together, they have had to navigate dividing up household responsibilities. And for most of the year, they split up all chores fifty-fifty.

However, as soon as her boyfriend moved in, she also had a serious discussion about the holiday months. More specifically, she detailed how November and December are insanely busy for her.

So, she said she would not be able to contribute to the household chores and asked that he pick up the slack whenever she physically can’t since she works between twelve and eighteen-hour days.

Alliance – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Her boyfriend apparently underestimated just how busy she would get, though, because he made a remark about “doubting” that she truly worked that much. Then, he said he “would see.”

In turn, she dropped the topic at the time. But come September and October, she made sure to reiterate just how busy she was about to get and how she would not be able to do much around the house.

In fact, she even prepped meals in advance to make sure she was ready for the chaotic holiday season. After bringing up her schedule and the chores again, though, she felt that her boyfriend kind of dismissed her.

So, by the time November rolled around, and the couple got a few weeks in, she became swamped and was forced to let go of some of her responsibilities at home. For whatever reason, though, her boyfriend got seriously pissed off and pretended to be shocked at what was going on.

He even revealed that he thought she wasn’t being serious after she brought up her holiday business boom earlier this year and claimed that there was “no way” he would do one hundred percent of the chores since he also works.

And in an effort to avoid a further argument, she told her boyfriend, “fine,” and said he should just ignore her chores.

“They can wait until I have time. That’s how it was when I lived alone anyway. I don’t make much mess anyway,” she told him.

Her boyfriend did drop the topic at that point, even though he clearly was not happy about it. And with the Christmas season now ramping up, she and her boyfriend have not seen each other that much since she is constantly working.

Despite her literally just being busy with her business, though, her boyfriend has become increasingly pissed off at her lack of contribution around the house. And this past weekend, he completely blew up on her.

First, her boyfriend claimed that she needed to “grow up” and figure out a better work-life balance because her house was a mess.

But, she pointed out how if the house was truly a mess, it was his fault– because she had barely left her office in weeks.

That clearly made her boyfriend even angrier, though, because then he actually had the nerve to call her a “lazy b****.”

And at that point, she told her boyfriend she had no time to argue over things she had tried to tell him about months ago and tried to go back to work.

Once she was back inside her office, though, he proceeded to stand in front of her locked office door while shouting at her! Her boyfriend screamed about how he could not believe she was being serious and yelled that she was a total jerk for leaving all of the work for him to do.

So now, she has been left wondering who is actually the jerk in this situation– her for asking her boyfriend for help during the two busiest months of the year or her boyfriend for disregarding her requests and not taking her seriously until the time came.

Why do you think her boyfriend refused to take her seriously until she actually got busy? If he is living in her house, where she always took two months off from housework for her business, does he have a right to care? If you were in her shoes, how would you handle this situation after your partner spoke to you like that? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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