He Bought His Girlfriend An $800 Bag For Christmas And He’s Being Accused Of Causing His Girlfriend To Have A Seizure Over It

Kalim - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Kalim - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Kalim - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 28-year-old man is dating his girlfriend, who is 25-years-old, and his girlfriend has gone through a pretty tough time this past year.

A decade ago, she was diagnosed as having epilepsy, but lately, the seizures she has been experiencing are getting much worse.

His girlfriend’s doctor recommended that she take time off from her job as a nurse at an animal hospital while they try to get everything back to a manageable place for her.

Given the fact that he has a great job, he has been the one paying for all her bills so that she can take the time needed to get better.

Although this was an incredibly kind gesture, it made his girlfriend sad because she does not like to depend on anyone but herself, and she’s since spiraled into a depression.

Anyway, because of everything his girlfriend has been going through, they both decided not to give gifts for Christmas since his girlfriend doesn’t have any money.

“But after such a crap year, I felt like she deserved something, and I decided to go all-in and buy her a Coach bag,” he explained.

“I spent $800 on it, and I’ve been hiding it from her for two months. I thought she’d be over the moon, but this morning, I finally surprised her with it, and she literally broke down crying and then started yelling at me.”

“She told me that I was purposely trying to make her look like a s*** partner because she can’t afford to buy me anything and then said that I was treating her like “sugar baby” which I thought was completely ridiculous.”

Kalim – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I told her she was being dramatic and it’s just a bag; she should be happy. This argument went on for about an hour before she told me, and I quote, “shove the bag up your a**.” Then she called her sister to come to pick her up and take her to her parents.”

He has been dating his girlfriend for 6 years now, and they have previously spent every single Christmas together…except this one.

He was extremely distressed all Christmas Day over the bag incident, and he tried multiple times to call his girlfriend, but she would not pick up his calls.

Eventually, he decided to text her sarcastically, saying thanks for such a great holiday. It’s easy to see why he’s so upset and why he finally sent that not-so-nice text.

“Around an hour ago, my girlfriend’s sister called me to tell me that my girlfriend had a bad seizure and she had to be taken to hospital, and then her sister tried to blame ME for it because I “stressed her out,” he said.

He’s so angry about all of this, and on top of everything, he cannot go to visit his girlfriend at the hospital since they are not permitting visitors at all.

“This is the worst Christmas ever, and it’s all because I bought my girlfriend a present,” he continued.

He’s honestly thinking he might be a jerk here, but he was just trying to do something nice for his girlfriend this Christmas since she has had such a tough time this whole year.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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