She Accused Her Sister-In-Law Of Being Envious Of Her At A Dinner With Her In-Laws, And Then Her Sister-In-Law Started Sobbing

mtsaride - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
mtsaride - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

mtsaride - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 38-year-old woman currently works as a high school teacher, and she teaches chemistry and math.

She’s taught for her entire career, and she truly can say that she adored her job. She is married, with 2 children, and her husband works in a college as a lecturer.

Now, she has had a passion for interior design for as long as she can remember, and the apartment that she and her family live in is something that she designed herself.

She’s done such a good job that many people in her life constantly talk about her eye for design, and her loved ones constantly want to know she can help them out designing their own homes.

Back when the pandemic hit, one of her colleagues wanted her to help her design the home office her husband used.

She agreed to do that, and her colleague went on social media to share photos of her work. Well, the post pretty much went viral, and a ton of people that knew her colleague were suddenly reaching out to her to ask if she could help design spaces for them too.

These people all offered to pay her for her work, and so she was making money off of her hobby. She then began a social media account to showcase her work, and her hobby started growing.

She was asked to decorate more home offices and even gyms, too.

“When people started going back to work, I started designing for companies,” she explained. “Now I even do restaurants, hotels, etc.”

mtsaride – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I left my teaching job at the start of this year. I have also been developing home gym furniture that will be launched next year.”

This past Sunday, she and her husband had dinner along with her husband’s family. Her 39-year-old sister-in-law was there too, and her sister-in-law works as a teacher.

While at dinner with her in-laws and her in-law’s friends, her mother-in-law was discussing the design company that she created with her friends.

As her mother-in-law was talking, her sister-in-law was clearly getting quite aggravated. Her sister-in-law then blurted out that her only clients are creepy rich guys that only want to flirt with her and nothing more.

“I felt a lump in my throat because everyone was listening in shock,” she continued. “She said its true ask (my husband’s name); he told me that. I told her that she was being hurtful. That I work hard for my company.”

“She said NO, ASK HIM (about my husband); he won’t stop whining about how he hates your new hobby. I told her that I always knew that she is a bitter, jealous b**** but that this is a new low and that I’m tired of it. She started crying because she hated that people always tell her that she is jealous. When I got home, I felt bad. I embarrassed her where she is most sensitive and in front of everybody. And for something she heard from my husband. I didn’t shout at him but instead attacked her.”

She’s left wondering if she should apologize to her sister-in-law. Do you think she needs to say sorry?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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