She Told Her Friend It’s Not Her Fault She’s Single After She Made Totally Inappropriate Remarks About Her Marriage

Africa Studio - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Africa Studio - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Africa Studio - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This twenty-seven-year-old woman has been with her husband for five years now. They first met online after playing in the same video game lobby. Then, they began a long-distance relationship before she eventually moved in with him.

Despite first meeting over the internet, though, she was always very transparent with her then-boyfriend from the start.

“I am disabled and use a wheelchair, while my husband is completely able-bodied. He has known this since the first time we spoke, and it has never been a problem in our relationship,” she explained.

In fact, they are actually thriving together. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree while he works. And even though she may not be able to work full-time or at all in the future due to her health, her husband is completely supportive.

Anyway, when she moved in with her boyfriend, she met a twenty-five-year-old neighbor named Nancy. Apparently, Nancy was super welcoming and made her feel right at home in the community.

And, as most girls do, they would often talk about men together. More specifically, how amazing of a partner her husband is.

Nancy, on the other hand, has not had the same luck finding a guy. Instead, for the entire time she has known her neighbor, Nancy has been in bad relationship after bad relationship.

“I always comforted her through it because I know dating nowadays can be emotionally taxing,” she recalled.

Well, just a few days ago, Nancy seemed to take their own dating frustrations out on her in a super inappropriate way.

Africa Studio – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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It all began after she and her husband were running a bit late to an outing, where they were supposed to meet up with Nancy and a few other friends. But, it is pretty uncharacteristic for them to run late, so one of her friends decided to crack a joke.

The friend light-heartedly said that the reason she and her husband were late was that they were sleeping together. And at the moment, everyone laughed and started to move on.

But, Nancy then loudly said that “could not be true” since “how would they be intimate considering she’s disabled?” Yikes.

If you could not have guessed it, the room fell totally awkwardly silent after that. Plus, her husband had to butt in and tell Nancy that the details of their intimacy were no one’s concern.

And after hearing her husband’s response, Nancy turned beet red with embarrassment. Thankfully, though, the night did eventually return to normal.

While everyone just hung out, though, Nancy started to get progressively more drunk throughout the evening. Then, she was literally cornered and asked totally inappropriate questions by Nancy in the bathroom.

First, Nancy tried to badger her about how exactly she and her husband slept together. But, she was understandably super uncomfortable and told Nancy to back off.

Nancy did not take the hint, though. Instead, Nancy actually had the nerve to start commenting about her relationship.

“She said it’s ridiculous how someone ‘like me’ ever managed to get with someone like my husband, who is handsome and treats me like a queen, while she, who is ‘normal,’ can’t find a man who wants to commit,” she recalled.

And as if the comments could not get even worse, Nancy then suggested that her husband must be feeling trapped and unsatisfied since she “cannot fulfill her husband’s needs.”

This understandably infuriated her, so she told Nancy off. She said it’s not her fault that Nancy is still single and that perhaps men are pushed away by Nancy’s horrible personality.

“And that no amount of ‘being normal’ can fix that,” she added.

Then, once she was finished going off on Nancy, she and her husband went home. They also have not spoken to Nancy ever since that terrible night.

But, apparently, Nancy has been blabbing to all of their friends about that night since everyone now knows what happened.

Despite a majority of her friends being on her side and thinking what Nancy did was utterly rude, though, two of her friends are shockingly on Nancy’s side.

The two women claim that what she said to Nancy was “not very feminist of her” since she attached a woman’s value to their ability to hold down a man. Plus, they claim she already knew dating was a sore spot for Nancy, so she should not have gone there.

So now, she is feeling really unsure about how she handled the situation and if she was a jerk to Nancy.

If you were in her shoes, would you have told Nancy the same thing? Even if dating is a sore spot, is what Nancy did ever okay? How would you handle this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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